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A Very Short Introduction to St Cyril of Alexandria
Monday 3rd & 10th March 2025 @ 6:30pm

A Very Short Introduction to St Cyril of Alexandria

Pusey House, Oxford Pusey House, St Giles', Oxford, UK

A Very Short introduction to St Cyril of Alexandria will be held over two Monday evening sessions (3rd and 10th March 2025) from 6:30pm to 7:45pm.  The first session will provide an overview of the context and contribution of Cyril whilst the second session will provide an opportunity to reflect on and discuss some extracts from his writings.

St Cyril of Alexandria (c. 378 - 444 AD) was a consummate ecclesiastical politician, theologian and biblical commentator.  The young Cyril enjoyed the patronage of his uncle Theophilus (archbishop of the powerful see of Alexandria) and received an excellent education in this important ancient cultural and intellectual centre.  On his uncle's death, Cyril succeeded him as archbishop, later becoming embroiled in a bitter debate with the archbishop of Constantinople (Nestorius) over Christology (the "God-man" makeup of the person of Christ).

This crisis came to a head at the Council of Ephesus (431 AD) at which Cyril appointed himself both judge & jury.  Rather unsurprisingly, the council saw Cyril's Christological perspective triumph against an alternative view put forward by Nestorius. However, this was far from the end of the matter, and Cyril's views continued to provide a focus at the Council of Chalcedon (451 AD).  The results of this council caused divisions in the Eastern Church which persist to the present day.

These sessions are the fourth in a series focussing on four important figures from early Egyptian Christianity, spanning the late-second to mid-fifth centuries.  Each set will provide an introduction to the individual in question, covering their life, work and unique contribution to the issues of their day with the aim to provide inspiration and provoke reflection for us in our contemporary setting.

Do I need to have any previous knowledge?
Absolutely no previous knowledge of Church history or theology is assumed (although clergy or readers with some background knowledge will still find much of interest).  If you’ve read all the way down to this bit and are still interested, you’re sufficiently qualified to attend!

These sessions will be held in the Liddon Room at Pusey House (go through the entrance on St Giles', then immediately turn left and go up the stairs).

Do I need to book?
There is no charge for this event, but it would be good to know if you're planning to attend.  And the reading material for the discussion based session will be sent to those known to be attending.  So please do book!

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